Source code for urbanpy.plotting.plotting

# import pydeck as pdk
import pandas as pd
import as px

# import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# from urbanpy.utils import tuples_to_lists

__all__ = [
    # 'pydeck_df',
    # 'gen_pydeck_layer',

# def gen_pydeck_layer(layer_type, data, **kwargs):
#     if layer_type == 'H3HexagonLayer':
#         return pdk.Layer("H3HexagonLayer", data, **kwargs)
#     else:
#         return pdk.Layer('PolygonLayer', data, **kwargs)

[docs] def choropleth_map(gdf, color_column, df_filter=None, **kwargs): """ Produce a Choroplethmap using plotly by passing a GeoDataFrame. Parameters ---------- gdf: GeoDataFrame Input data containing a geometry column and features color_column: str Column from gdf to use as color df_filter: pd.Series, default to None Pandas Series containing true/false values that satisfy a condition (e.g. (df['population'] > 100)) **kwargs: Any parameter of plotly.px.choroplethmapbox. Examples -------- >>> hex_lima = urbanpy.geom.gen_hexagons(8, lima) >>> hex_lima['pop_2020'] = population_2020 >>> urbanpy.plotting.choropleth_map(hex_lima, 'pop_2020', [-12, -77]) """ if df_filter is not None: gdff = gdf[df_filter].copy() else: gdff = gdf.copy() gdff = gdff.reset_index()[["index", color_column, "geometry"]].dropna() lon, lat = gdff.geometry.unary_union.centroid.xy fig = px.choropleth_mapbox( gdff, geojson=gdff[["geometry"]].__geo_interface__, color=color_column, locations="index", center={"lat": lat[0], "lon": lon[0]}, mapbox_style="carto-positron", **kwargs ) return fig
# def pydeck_df(gdf, features, cmap, bins, color_feature): # ''' # Prepare a DataFrame for Polygon plotting in PyDeck # # Parameters # ---------- # # gdf : GeoDataFrame with the geometries to plot # # features : list # List of features to add to the polygon df # # cmap : str # Matplotlib colormap to use for plotting # # bins : list # Bins to aggregate data into # # color_feature : str # Column name for data to transform into bins and color features # # Returns # ------- # # polygon_df : DataFrame # df with the coordinates in a list as a column and the selected features # # ''' # # cmap = plt.get_cmap(name='magma') # json = gdf.__geo_interface__ # # json_ = tuples_to_lists(json) # # del json_['bbox'] # # df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(json_) # # polygon_df = pd.DataFrame() # polygon_df['coordinates'] = df['features'].apply(lambda row: row['geometry']['coordinates']) # # for feature in features: # polygon_df[feature] = df['features'].apply(lambda row: row['properties'][feature]) # # polygon_df['bins'] = pd.cut( # polygon_df[color_feature], # bins = bins # ) # # bins_labels = polygon_df['bins'].unique().categories.values # bins_replace = {label: i for i, label in enumerate(bins_labels)} # polygon_df['count'] = polygon_df['bins'].replace(bins_replace) # # cmap_ixs = [int(round(255 / (i+1))) for i in polygon_df['count'].fillna(0).values] # rgb_values = [[color * 255 for color in cmap.colors[cmap_ix]] for cmap_ix in cmap_ixs] # rgb_count_df = pd.DataFrame(rgb_values, columns=['r','g','b']) # # polygon_df = pd.concat((polygon_df, rgb_count_df), axis=1) # # polygon_df['r'] = polygon_df['r'].round(0) # polygon_df['g'] = polygon_df['g'].round(0) # polygon_df['b'] = polygon_df['b'].round(0) # # return polygon_df