from math import ceil
from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union
import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from geopandas import GeoDataFrame, GeoSeries
from h3 import h3
from pandas import DataFrame
from shapely.geometry import MultiPolygon, Polygon
from shapely.validation import make_valid
from sklearn.neighbors import BallTree
__all__ = [
def swap_xy(geom):
Util function in case an x,y coordinate needs to be switched
geom: GeoSeries
Input series containing the geometries needing a coordinate swap
shell: list
List containing the exterior borders of the geometry
holes: list
Array of all holes within a geometry. Only for Polygon and Multipolygon
coords: list
List of geomerty type with the swapped x,y coordinates
>>> p = Point(-77,-12)
>>> p_ = urbanpy.utils.swap_xy(p)
>>> print((p.x, p.y), (p_.x, p_.y))
(-77.0, -12.0) (-12.0, -77.0)
if geom.is_empty:
return geom
if geom.has_z:
def swap_xy_coords(coords):
for x, y, z in coords:
yield (y, x, z)
def swap_xy_coords(coords):
for x, y in coords:
yield (y, x)
# Process coordinates from each supported geometry type
if geom.geom_type in ("Point", "LineString", "LinearRing"):
return type(geom)(list(swap_xy_coords(geom.coords)))
elif geom.geom_type == "Polygon":
ring = geom.exterior
shell = type(ring)(list(swap_xy_coords(ring.coords)))
holes = list(geom.interiors)
for pos, ring in enumerate(holes):
holes[pos] = type(ring)(list(swap_xy_coords(ring.coords)))
return type(geom)(shell, holes)
elif geom.geom_type.startswith("Multi") or geom.type == "GeometryCollection":
# Recursive call
return type(geom)([swap_xy(part) for part in geom.geoms])
raise ValueError("Type %r not recognized" % geom.geom_type)
def nn_search(tree_features, query_features, metric="haversine"):
Build a BallTree for nearest neighbor search based on selected distance.
tree_features: array_like
Input features to create the search tree. Features are in
lat, lon format.
query_features: array_like
Points to which calculate the nearest neighbor within the tree.
lat, lon coordinates expected.
metric: str
Distance metric for neighorhood search. Default haversine for latlon coordinates.
If haversine is selected lat, lon coordinates are converted to radians.
dist: array_like
Array with the corresponding distance in km (if haversine then distance * earth radius)
ind: array_like
Array with the corresponding index of the tree_features values.
>>> x = np.random.uniform(-78,-79, 20)
>>> y = np.random.uniform(-12, -11, 20)
>>> features = np.vstack([x,y]).T
>>> query = [[-77,-12]]
>>> urbanpy.utils.nn_search(features, query)
if metric == "haversine":
tf = np.radians(tree_features)
tree = BallTree(tf, metric=metric)
qf = np.radians(query_features)
dist, ind = tree.query(qf)
return dist * 6371000 / 1000, ind
tree = BallTree(tree_features, metric=metric)
dist, ind = tree.query(query_features)
return dist, ind
def shell_from_geometry(geometry):
Util function for park and pitch processing.
shell = []
for record in geometry:
shell.append([record["lon"], record["lat"]])
return shell
def geo_boundary_to_polygon(x):
Transform h3 geo boundary to shapely Polygon
x: str
H3 hexagon index
polygon: Polygon
Polygon representing H3 hexagon area
return Polygon(
[bound[::-1] for bound in h3.h3_to_geo_boundary(x)]
) # format as x,y (lon, lat)
def create_duration_labels(durations):
Creates inputs for pd.cut function (bins and labels) especifically for the trip durations columns.
durations: Pandas Series
Series containing trip durations in minutes.
custom_bins: list
List of numbers with the inputs for the bins parameter of pd.cut function
custom_labels: list
List of numbers with the inputs for the labels parameter of pd.cut function
default_bins = [0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120]
default_labels = [
f"{default_bins[i]}-{default_bins[i+1]}" for i in range(len(default_bins) - 1)
bins_ = default_bins.copy()
max_duration_raw = durations.max()
max_duration_asint = ceil(max_duration_raw)
bins_.insert(0, max_duration_asint)
bins_ = sorted(set(bins_))
ix = bins_.index(max_duration_asint)
if (ix + 1) >= len(default_bins) and max_duration_asint != default_bins[-1]:
custom_bins = default_bins[: ix + 1]
custom_labels = default_labels[:ix]
return custom_bins, custom_labels
def to_overpass_query(type_of_data: str, query: dict) -> str:
Parse query dict to build Overpass QL query.
type_of_data: str
OSM type of data (One of: relation, node, way).
query: dict
OSM keys and values to be queried
overpass_query: str
Formatted query string to be passed to Overpass QL.
if len(query) == 0:
ov_body = f"{type_of_data};"
ov_body = ""
for key, values in query.items():
if values is None:
operator = ""
values_str = ""
if type(values) == str:
operator = "="
values_str = f'"{values}"'
if type(values) == list:
n_values = len(values)
if n_values == 0:
operator = ""
values_str = ""
if n_values >= 1:
operator = "~"
values_str = f'"{"|".join(v for v in values)}"'
ov_body += f"""{type_of_data}[\"{key}\"{operator}{values_str}];\n"""
overpass_query = f"""[timeout:120][out:json][bbox];
out body geom;"""
return overpass_query
def process_overpass_relations(
data: dict,
mask: Optional[Union[GeoDataFrame, GeoSeries, Polygon, MultiPolygon]] = None,
) -> Tuple[DataFrame, GeoDataFrame]:
Process relation data structure from an Overpass API response.
data: dict
Overpass API response payload.
mask: GeoDataFrame, GeoSeries, (Multi)Polygon
Polygon vector layer used to clip the final gdf. See geopandas.clip().
gdf_members: GeoDataFrame
All geometries from relations members with relation ID
df_relations: DataFrame
Relations metadata such as ID and tags.
df_relations = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data["elements"]).drop("members", axis=1)
# Separate nodes from ways members
rels_nodes, rels_ways = [], []
for elem in data["elements"]:
for mem in elem["members"]:
mem["relation_id"] = elem["id"] # Set member-relation key
if mem["type"] == "node":
if mem["type"] == "way":
# Process node members
df_nodes = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(rels_nodes)
df_nodes["geometry"] = gpd.points_from_xy(df_nodes["lon"], df_nodes["lat"])
gdf_nodes = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df_nodes, crs="EPSG:4326")
# Process way members
df_ways = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(rels_ways)
df_ways["shell"] = df_ways["geometry"].apply(shell_from_geometry)
df_ways = df_ways[df_ways["shell"].apply(len) > 2]
df_ways["geometry"] = df_ways["shell"].apply(Polygon)
gdf_ways = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df_ways, crs="EPSG:4326")
# buffer(0) is faster but shapely recommends make_valid()
gdf_ways.geometry = gdf_ways.geometry.apply(make_valid)
# Merge members and return gdf
gdf_members = gpd.GeoDataFrame(pd.concat([gdf_nodes, gdf_ways]), crs="EPSG:4326")
if mask is not None:
# Using hexs is ~100x faster than adm boundaries
gdf_members = gdf_members.clip(mask=mask)
return gdf_members, df_relations
def overpass_to_gdf(
type_of_data: str,
data: dict,
mask: Optional[Union[GeoDataFrame, GeoSeries, Polygon, MultiPolygon]] = None,
ov_keys: Optional[list] = None,
) -> Tuple[GeoDataFrame, Optional[DataFrame]]:
Process overpass response data according to type_of_data and clip to mask if given.
type_of_data : str. One of {'node', 'way', 'relation', 'rel'}
OSM Data structure to be queried from Overpass API.
data : dict
Response object's json result from Overpass API.
mask : dict. Optional
Dict contaning OSM tag filters. Dict keys can take OSM tags
and Dict values can be list of strings, str or None.
Example: { 'key0': ['v0a', 'v0b', 'v0c'], 'key1': 'v1', 'key2': None }
Check keys [OSM Map Features](
ov_keys : list. Optional
Unique OSM keys used in Overpass query (e.g. "amenity", "shop", etc) to fill "poi_type" df column.
gdf : GeoDataFrame
POIs from the selected type of facility.
df : DataFrame. Optional
Relations metadata such as ID and tags. Returns None if 'type_of_data' other than 'relation'.
if type_of_data == "relation":
return process_overpass_relations(data, mask)
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data["elements"])
if type_of_data == "node":
df["geometry"] = gpd.points_from_xy(df["lon"], df["lat"])
if type_of_data == "way":
df["geometry"] = df["geometry"].apply(
lambda x: Polygon(shell_from_geometry(x))
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df, crs=4326)
if mask is not None:
gdf = gdf.clip(mask=mask)
if ov_keys is not None:
# Extract relevant data from osm tags
gdf["poi_type"] = gdf["tags"].apply(
lambda tag: tag[ov_keys[0]] if ov_keys[0] in tag.keys() else np.NaN
for k in ov_keys:
# Use other keys to complete NaNs
lambda tag: tag[k] if k in tag.keys() else np.NaN
if gdf["poi_type"].isna().sum() == 0:
return gdf, None
"overall": "Overall population density",
"women": "Women",
"_men_": "Men",
"children": "Children (ages 0-5)",
"youth": "Youth (ages 15-24) ",
"elderly": "Elderly (ages 60+)",
"women_of_reproductive_age": "Women of reproductive age (ages 15-49)",
def get_hdx_label(name):
Get a human readable label from a HDX Facebook population density dataset filename.
name: str.
HDX Facebook population density dataset filename.
labels str: GeoDataFrame
POIs from the selected type of facility.
df: DataFrame. Optional
Relations metadata such as ID and tags. Returns None if 'type_of_data' other than 'relation'.
for keys, labels in HDX_POPULATION_TYPES.items():
if keys in name:
# Avoid assigning "women of reproductive age" label
# to the general women dataset
if (keys == "women") and ("reproductive" in name):
return labels
return HDX_POPULATION_TYPES["overall"]