Installation ============ For users ~~~~~~~~~ To install the urbanpy library you can use: .. code:: sh $ pip install urbanpy Then use ``import urbanpy`` in your python scripts to use the library. If you plan to use the `OSRM Server `__ route or distance matrix calculation functionalities\* you must have Docker installed in your system, refer to Docker `Installation `__. For developers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you plan to contribute or customize urbanpy first clone this repo and cd into it. Then, we strongly recommend you to create a virtual environment. You can use conda, this installation manage some complicated C spatial library dependencies: .. code:: sh $ conda env create -f environment.yml $ conda activate urbanpy Or if you are more confident about your setup, you can use pip: .. code:: sh $ python3 -m venv .env $ source .env/bin/activate (.env) $ pip install -r requirements.txt \*Current support is tested on Linux Ubuntu 18.04 & Mac OS Catalina, coming soon we will test and support Windows 10.